MTV’s ‘Awkward’ season 5 spoilers: Prom, graduation, and romance teased in first promo
While MTV is being rather cruel in making you wait all the way until August 31 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern to see the new season of “Awkward,” we can at least present a little something today to help tide you over: The first extended promo courtesy on MTV! This shows a few teases as to how Jenna Hamilton’s journey will conclude, and it has everything from a prom to some romance included.
Let’s start with what is first and foremost the main event: Jenna Hamilton and her relationship status with Matty. Are these two actually about to get together, our are we being set up for something that is not actually going to happen? We’re betting more on the former, mostly because they each have feelings for each other, and the idea of the show ending without it after a journey this long is frankly exhausting / depressing. We’ve already had enough of that in the past week with “Grey’s Anatomy.”
Also, the promo teases gold booty-shorts, Lissa getting way too excited about prom festivities, Sadie being Sadie, and even an awkward moment between Val / Jenna at school that has us insanely curious what is going to happen there.
Ultimately, the biggest thing to remember here is that senior year is almost over. This is when almost every student stops to really care about their studies, and everyone goes off the rails for a little while. We still have to wait and see just if that is something that happens here.
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