‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Sindy fights, fights, and fights some more
We will give Sindy with an S some major credit on “Big Brother Canada 3“: She is certainly a trier. She does almost everything within her power to prove that she is someone worth keeping around in the house for as long as humanly possible.
Unfortunately, there is one thing that we have seen that Sindy lacks very much, and that is discretion. She does not know how to lay low, take a backseat, and let the events of the game happen. This is why she was evicted in the first place, and her being so aggressive once again has led to her being in the same position. She set herself up to be an easy mark by Pilar, and is therefore now scrambling in an effort to ensure that Bobby is named as a replacement nominee alongside her after Godfrey won the Veto. Pilar’s plan as of this writing is to actually nominate Brittnee, which may serve as some further evidence that her reign as Head of Household is being controlled by much of her alliance in as much as it is her.
Sindy’s argument to get Bobby on the block is mostly that Bobby has claimed he has a fake Veto even when he does not, and getting him to play it would force it to be “flushed out.” She claims that she will be leaving anyway, though we’ve heard her say that she thinks that she can rally votes against him more so than against Brittnee.
What Sindy may not be aware of is that Pilar specifically told Brittnee she was going up, and it would be stupid to change her mind. Britt is already upset about being a replacement nominee, and it is with that in mind that it does not make sense for her to anger someone else in Bobby, as well. Her goal for the week was to not get blood on her hands, and she has already failed when it comes to that.
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