‘Bones’ season 10, episode 16 preview: A culinary catastrophe

Bones -To us, there is really just one way to describe the sound of next week’s “Bones” episode, and that is “fun.” Seriously, “The Big Beef at the Royal Diner” is a pretty wonderful title for the episode, and it feels already that there are a variety of good reasons to love this one. For one, it is a story that revolves at least to a certain extent around a popular Booth / Brennan hangout, and to go along with that, it also is going to be a chance to see what happens when a popular food critic / chef is killed off. Given how nasty reviews can be these days, it’s not too difficult to imagine a list of people who could presumably want this guy dead.

The promo below is where you are going to get most of your laughs (no more free refills for Booth!). Meanwhile, the synopsis is mostly useful for some basic details, including Brennan’s plan for a somewhat-hilarious song for her daughter:

“The body of a popular TV celebrity chef are discovered at a local park, and the Jeffersonian team must search for clues in local restaurants that he had been reviewing. When evidence points to the Royal Diner, Brennan and Booth’s favorite eatery, the two must risk their status as favored patrons by questioning the staff. Meanwhile, Hodgins sells his new invention for millions and Brennan creates an anatomically correct song to help Christine learn about the bones in the human body.”

How badly do we want to hear this said song played in schools around the country? “Pretty badly” is the answer to that.

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