‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Is the eviction plan in place?
Tonight, the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds may have finally provided an answer to the question that has long been debated in the house: Who is actually going to be going home this week? From the onset, Zach never seriously considered the idea that Jordan could go home. He feels like he has an alliance with almost everyone in the house other than Godfrey, and that Bobby / Bruno would appreciate being kept safe despite some pressure put on him.
Of course, what he misjudged was that neither one of them would figure out that they were at one point a target. It is thanks to this, plus some excellent gameplay from Bruno, Sarah, and even Sindy 2.0, that has Brittnee and Bobby seemingly on board officially with the plan to evict Jordan from the game over Godfrey. Four of them (sans Sindy) came together to agree on the plan tonight. Since Sindy helped to orchestrate it, we’re pretty sure that she will be good to go.
Now, the struggle is going to be to keep this plan a secret until Zach is blindsided. The truth here is that he could be severely weakened going into next week. He cannot play for Head of Household, so he’ll have to hope that someone else in his group wins the power or that he wins the Veto. The thing he could have going for him is that he has Kevin, a potential challenge threat, still in the Bromuda Triangle / the Diaper Alliance … maybe. That may change when Zach’s plan falls through. He could in the end only have Ashleigh, who has done zilch throughout most of the game.
Ultimately, tomorrow night’s episode is now must-see TV. Like we’ve said before we like Jordan, but this season needed a spark plug. This could be the opportunity to have the gloves come off.
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