‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Was Bobby Hlad, Graig Merritt fourth houseguest eliminated?
Were there any surprises during tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” eviction show? Not really, at least for the first 50 minutes or so. We all knew from the live feeds going in that Graig Merritt was going to go out the door, so we were just watching and waiting for that to happen.
So what was Graig’s fatal flaw in the game? More than anything else, being abrasive and acting like the smartest guy in the room most of the time. We do still hate the fact that he was called a “bully” by Johnny and Brittnee, though, since we didn’t get a sense of that at all. He was just an arrogant guy on the show and not a great player. Doesn’t mean he has a malicious bone in his body. The vote was just as lopsided as predicted, and the baseball scout could be sent back out to the diamond … at least depending on the results of the twist.
As for the Head of Household competition, what we had here was a giant commercial for OxiClean. We understand that product placement runs the show, but how much product placement does this show really need? We haven’t seen this much OxiClean since the infomercials. There was no winner announced tonight.
We also have another twist coming! Viewers are going to vote either for a forced Veto that has to be played, or one that could force the HoH to name two new people. Don’t really love either twist, but get what the show is trying to do.
Now, for some random observations:
1. Kevin bringing in snow to pelt at people in the house? A hilarious remember that it’s cold in Toronto.
2. Dear Graig: Nobody knows how to spell “Ginja Ninja.” We’re just guessing here.
3. Did anyone else take notice that while Jordan gave a shoutout to Newport, Zach did not?
4. If Graig doesn’t want back in, send his booty home!
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April 9, 2015 @ 9:42 am
The picture you have posted is of Bobby.
April 9, 2015 @ 2:48 pm
Hi there, Yes we posted a picture of Bobby on purpose. We don’t always want to give away the person who was eliminated in the title and picture for those out there that don’t want to be spoiled.