‘Girl Meets World’ season 2 returning in May … with five episodes in one week?

Girl Meets World -We’re not entirely sure just what the Disney Channel is thinking here when it comes to their scheduling for “Girl Meets World” season 2, but it is probably better not to think about it too much. Otherwise, your brain will start to hurt and your abilities to “take on the world” will be greatly diminished.

Anyhow, the network confirmed on Wednesday (per Variety) that you are going to see the return of Riley Matthews and company on Monday, May 11 starting at 8:30 p.m. Eastern time. There are going to be some new episodes then airing every weeknight at the same time. To us, this move doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. You are burning off five episodes of the show in one week, which in turn means that there are four other weeks or almost a whole month that will not have these new episodes. We know you want to get people excited, but still…

Also, this move also means that some people are going to have a hard time keeping track of all the episodes. It’s one thing to commit a half-hour or even an hour a week to a show, but on five separate nights? Thank goodness both for Disney Channel repeats and also for DVRs. This matter is made all the worse by the fact that they are doing this right in the middle of May sweeps, when many older viewers will be busy with finales elsewhere.

Who knows? We’re not too knowledgeable when it comes to children’s TV scheduling, and maybe this is a brilliant move that we’re just not seeing. We’ll just have to figure that out further over time.

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