‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Newport plotting; Willow’s meltdown

Willow -We have learned a few things in the first few weeks of the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds, and one of the biggest ones is that Willow is a crier. We’ve seen her tear up at a number of different things, and Tuesday morning she was particularly upset about something she felt guilty about: Seemingly lending a helping hand to Zach during the luxury competition yesterday.

Seemingly, the competition to hang shirts was a two-person race between Godfrey and Zach, and she feels bad now because Godfrey needs the money. Granted, she may feel better if she knew that Godfrey was lying a lot about his background, and how smart he really is. That’s a part of his game, and while we worry about him thanks to his lack of solid allies, he has been able to avoid the block all season despite being a target.

Also this morning, we had a meeting for the Newport alliance a.k.a. Zach and Jordan, where they laid out their strategy for the next few weeks to throw competitions and rely on their social game to get them through. Zach has an advantage for the next HoH, but does not really seem that interested in really using it. They know that they have good social relationships with the entire house, so they have to keep them up while also ensuring that Johnny is evicted from the game. He is the only person they feel will be cutthroat enough to get rid of them if the moment calls for it to happen.

Newport should feel pretty good for now, given that we anticipate some of Zach’s Chop Shop cohorts to come back with a vengeance in the next Head of Household Competition. What we’d really like to see is someone like Godfrey win the power, mostly because we feel like he would be a lot of fun to watch in that role.

If you missed it, head over here to see some feed highlights from last night! Also, you can sign up now to score some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)

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