‘Girl Meets World’ finale review: Riley and Lucas’ big moment

Girl Meets World -We cannot sit here and really say with a straight face that “Girl Meets World” stunned us with anything during their season 1 finale, mostly because they didn’t. After all, this was an installment that featured Riley Matthews getting to go on her first real date with Lucas, and Corey freaking out about it to the point where he brought in Maya and Farkle to serve as spies.

While you most likely saw all of this coming from a mile away, there was still something about it that for some reason worked. Maybe it is part is due to the fact that we had a chance to see all of the characters in their element. Corey has played the paranoid dad perfectly all season, while Riley has done well as the ambitious dreamer. Maya is a schemer, and with both Farkle and Josh, we get to see different sides of her personality.

Is Lucas still the weakest character on the show? Probably, mostly because he still feels a little too idealized. Then again, most of what we see is from Riley’s perspective in a way, and she of course would see him more as perfection. He is far and away better than the start of the season, as is the show as a whole now that it is quieting down on those morality-play elements.

“Girl Meets World” is a charming, sweet show for the whole family. It’s not going to reinvent the wheel and it doesn’t completely replace “Boy Meets World,” but it also doesn’t need to. It just needs to remind us that it, too, deserves a place in our TV world. Grade: B.

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