‘Parks and Recreation’ series finale: Leslie’s chat with Tom; Amy Poehler video

The series finale of “Parks and Recreation” airs on Tuesday night. We’re still having a hard time wrapping our head around that. We’ve spent some time lately re-watching some old episodes, and it is incredible the evolution that this show has made from start to finish. What it has become is one of the most beloved comedies of the past several decades, and while its viewership may never have been huge, that is the size the whole in our heart will be when it is gone.

We have a pair of videos below that are hopefully going to help commemorate the end of the show in some way. The first is a simple scene with Leslie Knope and Tom Haverford, where the two are preparing for their “last ride.” Both of them know that they are outgrowing Pawnee in their own ways, and with the group breaking off, they want to soak in some of these memories.

Meanwhile, the second video is a little more reflective, and it features Amy Poehler discussing what her experience has been like playing such a huge personality. Has it been a blast? Definitely, but she does admit that there have been exhausting moments. How could there not be, when you remember some of the work that she has put into this show over the years? Also, this character has so much dialogue it probably means many late nights.

We do want to mention here that we hope NBC has the time to put at least a title card at the end of the episode for Harris Wittels, the great writer, producer, and guest star who passed away earlier this week.

What do you want to see on the series finale? Share now in the comments.

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