‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 8 spoilers: Howard’s hard times

Howard -You probably have heard already that Nathan Fillion will be appearing on the next new episode of “The Big Bang Theory” airing a week from Thursday night. To go along with that, you may have also heard that this same episode will be the one serving as a tribute of sorts to Carol Ann Susi. The actress passed away late last year, and the show spent a little bit of time crafting what would be the best tribute for her.

With this being said, the show itself has been coy on whether or not Howard’s mother will die on the show, but the attached photo from this upcoming episode seems to show Howard in a state of deep sadness. He is presumably sitting inside of Stuart’s new comic book store, where he is using some furniture that he took from Howard’s old home. Debbie was an investor of sorts in the shop, which was a story earlier this season.

There are a number of different ways that the story could go here, but above all else we just hope that it is fun and in the spirit of what Susi would have wanted for the character. We do know that she preferred to be as low-key as possible on the series, with her only appearance being from afar during Howard’s wedding. We had always hoped that there would be some sort of appearance from her before the series came to a close and maybe if the character is honored with a memorial we will have a picture of Howard’s mom.

What is your impression of this photo, and your hopes for the episode as a whole? Let us know some of your quick reactions right away with a comment, and head over here to get some other updates related to the show! Also, you can sign up in the event you want some further TV updates on everything we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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