‘House of Lies’ season 4, episode 4 review: What’s with Marty and Monica?

House of Lies -Marty Kaan on “House of Lies” is a character we continue to have a hard time figuring out. We really want to hope that he has it within him somewhere to be a good person, but then he continues to do so many questionable things.

Take, for example, him choosing to have impromptu sex with Monica. What was the meaning behind that? Was it a way for him to channel his aggression and frustration? Personally, we would describe it as him wanting to continue to shirk any responsibility he may think he has to Jeannie, that way he can continue to function as what he thinks is an independent person.

Let’s make it clear, though: This does not really show Marty as anything other than selfish. He clearly doesn’t love Monica, so this is not a decision that he made out of a desire to be with her. We do wonder time and time again why we root for this guy, but the reality here is that most of the time, there is not anyone else to root for on this show. Doug is weak, and Clyde is as terrible as he is. Jeannie is someone we do feel has a moral compass, but she does not often show it.

Business-wise, at least tonight was a small victory for Marty and company as they managed to ensure for a little while longer that Hightower is moving forward. He has a new, very-sweet business deal! However, it also turns out that the terms for this deal have not been worked out completely.

The stair meltdown was a great scene, and at least that helps to make up for the lack of Sarah and the depressing ending. Grade: B-.

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