‘Supernatural’ season 10, episode 10 video: A Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, and Jensen Ackles scene
Isn’t it nice to see three of the “Supernatural” men together again? We just wish that there was a happier scene to talk about today.
Instead, the video below is the first extended sneak peek for next week’s new episode “The Hunger Games,” and it features Castiel (Misha Collins) talking with Sam (Jared Padalecki) about Claire, and how he feels a great tinge of regret over what happened with Randy. The reality here is that Castiel doesn’t need to blame himself, and neither does Sam. Instead, most of the blame should be on the Mark of Cain for what it has turned Dean (Jensen Ackles) into. One of the things that makes this particular preview so fantastic is how when Dean first enters the picture, you truly get the sense that Sam and Cas are in some ways afraid of him. Dean assures him that neither one of them is wrong with their assessment of him as a stone-cold killer, but the problem here is that nobody particularly knows just how they are going to handle this.
Is there a way to remove the Mark? This will be an early theme of the second part of this season. Sam has went through all of the literature, trying to see if there is even some sort of clue to how to destroy it. Castiel reminds Dean that ripping it off of his skin is not going to do a thing.
Maybe eventually, the two parties will uncover something, and the group can start to feel safe again. We just have a feeling that it’s going to take some time.
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January 16, 2015 @ 9:12 am
No sympathy for Dean he got the MOC because he was feeling sorry for himself after lying to Sam and getting Kevin killed, he truely now is the killer he always feared himself to be. Also they arent so much scared of him as they are feeling guilty for talking about him when he wasnt there, telling someone to their face that they are a monster is hard (though Dean never had a problem telling Sam that in the past) also Dean might get touchy about them talking about him. He wasnt happy when Sam spoke to Jody earlier in the season.
Also it isnt Sam and Dean’s job to go around punishing humans when they do bad things, thats why killing Randy was a bad thing. It doesnt matter if he kills bad guys it will still leave a stain on his soul and also with every human kill it will put him that much closer to killing an innocent human which there will be no coming back from. Just look at Sam killing th nurse in season 4 fans still throw that back at him, its still has fans (mostly Dean fans) calling him bad and evil and unredeemable. I for one wouldnt mind if they went that route with Dean instead of making him the lamest demon ever, they should have taken more risks like they have with Sam in the past. No body cares if Dean kills ‘bad’ guys thats just a cop out. If all Dean is doing while he has the MOC is killing bad guys then why are they even bothering to have the storyline of trying to get rid of it, why isnt he going around be all happy/pleased with himself instead of angsting and feelign sorry for himself? Why do we need to spend every episode talkigna bout this lame duck?
January 16, 2015 @ 9:23 am
ESG and EDG make comment boards a annoying place. So I guess you fall into the ESG category. Give it a rest.
January 15, 2015 @ 7:36 pm
So… they’re victimizing a would-be rapist and a rape enabler. Dean did cross a line, but ffs he didn’t murder a group of nuns or innocent civilians. The men he killed were human monsters.
January 15, 2015 @ 2:40 pm
Sam and Cas have sympathy for Randy, who was selling a girl to a rapist? They left Dean alone with killers, how did they think Dean was going to get out of there alive? He had to kill them.
January 15, 2015 @ 12:17 pm
Oh my God! I am so excited! This clip is great! I hope whatever it is that new way will be said by Cas in this episode before we move on to the next episode. I’m feeling Dean so much, I wanna hug him! I hope Sam will hug him. By the look on his face, I know he wants to!
January 15, 2015 @ 1:47 am
LOVE LOVE LOVE that MISHA beat out HOMOPHOBE Jensen Ackles for the People’s Choice Award! I know it ain’t an Emmy or an Oscar but it’s a start.
Cannot STAND Jensen Ackles! BLECH, PHOOEY.
January 15, 2015 @ 12:26 pm
WTF? So Jensen AND Jared are straight guys and they are trying their best to appease their fans while not going there too much. Especially when it’s a straight out gay materials. Because they are uncomfortable. That is not homophobic at all. No. And I respect that. In fact Jensen and Jared have been known to indulge the bromance between them and other actors a lot. You want people to respect gays, bisexuals, whatever, then you need to start respecting those who are not really into the subjects as well.
January 15, 2015 @ 8:27 pm
And you are basing this Libel on what exactly?
Mr Ackles has only said his character is written as straight and so that’s how he plays him. How does this make him a homophobe? As far as I can see it makes him a model employee – he’s given a role and he plays it as it is written.
When given the role of a bi-sexual man, he played that character as bi! Or doesn’t that count?
If this makes one homophobic then we’d best lock up the majority of actors and actresses who also play their characters straight when they are written that way. Homophobia is obviously more rife than I’d realised..
As are your calumny comments.