‘NCIS’ season 12, episode 10 video: First look at emotional ‘House Rules’
The producers of “NCIS” clearly want you to know one thing about their upcoming holiday episode entitled “House Rules”: This is probably going to make you rather emotional.
The promo below, which was unveiled after the repeat that aired on CBS tonight, teases all sorts of tear-jerking moments when it comes to the story as a whole. In particular, this looks to be a heartfelt take on Gibbs’ famous rules, and how they end up connecting to McGee’s life and everything he wants to do and be.
Just in case you have not seen the official synopsis for this episode yet, you can do so just by taking a look below:
“The NCIS team consults with three cyber-terrorists they imprisoned after a city-wide Internet shutdown the week before Christmas. Also, McGee reflects on the case and Gibbs’ infamous rules as he pens a heartfelt letter to his father.”
We really hope that this is an episode that makes you happy, since it is basically the only installment you are going to be getting for a good month. There is no new installment airing the rest of 2014 after this one, thought you can at least be assured that there is going to be another one airing early in 2015.
The only thing that we are slightly bummed about is that it doesn’t seem like there is any long-term storyline that is going to be brought into the fold here. Then again, that is not something that these finales are traditionally known for above all else.
Want to get some further news and updates when it comes to “NCIS”? Then be sure to visit the link right here, and also sign up if you want to score some further TV updates on everything we cover right away via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)
December 11, 2014 @ 5:22 am
BD what on earth makes you think your opinions are right and everyone elses are wrong? Why should it upset you that people choose to comment on a show that they have watched for years and are displeased with the way the show is going? Personally I am tired of the anti-ziva whiners that tell everyone to get over it. This section is for comments. It works best when we focus on the show and characters and leave out comments about the commenters which is my norm. I stand by my comments and feel free to watch or not watch whatever I want and comment on same. It would be nice if some commenters stopped telling other commenters what they should feel and what they should do. It is a waste of your time and mine.
December 11, 2014 @ 1:54 am
The bitterness in a couple of these comments is astounding. Stop watching the freaking show if it’s making you this unhappy! Because yeah, the show’s just been FULL of Gibbs/McGee bonding in the past! Oh wait, that’s Tony! And Ziva has so much more to do with the show than a CURRENT CAST MEMBER. Stop the broken record already! McGee’s father is freaking DYING, Bishop is here to stay, and Ziva’s been gone a year and a half, by her choice! I miss her too, but you guys gotta move on with your lives! Like the lady said herself, losing someone is not something you get over, you just get past. Have hope for the future, but stop trying to make every other fan out to be “less than” simply because they still love the show.
I’m looking forward to and dreading this episode. Because I don’t like seeing a sad McGee. But the guy has some chops too, and shouldn’t be relegated to the geek squad simply because y’all like DiNozzo more. (I personally would love to see more DiNozzo/McGee bonding, because those two I love!)
If you’re so unhappy, stop watching. Or just come out and admit you are bitter trolls who want everyone to be as miserable as you are. I’m so tired of coming to articles and seeing the Ziva-whine (and Tiva-whine, cause we ALL know that’s what this is really about) and the Bishop-slam. It’s rude and hardly makes fans of this show look good. I want to come and enjoy, I want to geek out with my fellow NCIS fans, not read this drivel over and over and over. It’s pathetic.
liz laughlin
December 11, 2014 @ 4:03 am
Your comment is the most negative that I’ve seen here. Maybe you should just get over your anger at the other fans who don’t see things your way. Here’s a suggestion, if you only read your own posts, then you will never, ever be offended. Good idea, huh?
December 11, 2014 @ 5:34 am
The constant attacks on fans that want Ziva back are relentless. This particular group don’t even want to see her name mentioned. Other fans clearly state that they are open to a new agent if she is competent but that they just don’t like Bishop. Bishop’s time on NCIS may not be as long term as some fans hope so yes if enough fans complain, she may depart for greener pastures. I wonder if these same anti-Ziva folks will get over it quickly if she leaves.
Jeannie Clary
December 11, 2014 @ 1:37 am
I don’t think this is a Gibbs / McGee story line just because there in a scenes together. I do think that McGee is going to need the entire team because I think this when his father dies of cancer (just guessing).
December 10, 2014 @ 11:29 pm
I’m afraid I’m not excited. Another Gibbs/McGee bonding episode. I guess Gibbs and McGee fans are enjoying the season anyway. Wonder if McGee will be featured along with Gibbs in the finale this year since they seem to feature these two in the most promoted episodes these days.
December 11, 2014 @ 2:35 am
what’s wrong with Tony’s fans, you guys are like a jealous sibling, get overly jealous when the other sibling have a bit more attention, the producer only want to give a fair share for the character, did you notice when they had episodes that focused mostly about Tony and his life? did McGee or other chars fans object? I didn’t see any so far, so, get over it, this show is not about Tony and he is not Gibbs gold son or what ever..
December 12, 2014 @ 12:44 am
@syalie – When you write about the “episodes that focused mostly about Tony and his life” are you referring to the riveting writing he received when he was fretting over what kind of casserole to make McGee (while McGee was getting serious drama) or perhaps you mean the exciting mention of him joining a men’s group. Perhaps you’re referring to the episode where Tony was fretting over his colon health or the one where he was considering adopting a cat, but the cat hilariously rejected him. Or maybe you’re referring to the 4 or 5 seasons where the only serious moments Tony had was when he was accessorizing one of the multitude of Ziva’s dramas. Tony hasn’t had any real character development since season 4. McGee has gotten a girlfriend, has evolved as a character, and has been given a sympathetic story. Tony has been turned into the permanent pathetic joke. He hasn’t been Gibbs golden boy since Bellasario was ousted as show runner. Ziva, and now McGee have replaced him. It’s obvious by the stories that this is the plan.
liz laughlin
December 13, 2014 @ 4:17 am
Since you mentioned DP Bellisario, I find this interesting. CBS did a poll of their facebook NCIS fans. The results of the poll were published in the special NCIS edition of Watch. The fans who responded named the following episodes as the best:
1)Truth or Consequences–season 5
2) SWAK–season 2
3)Kill Ari Parts 1 and 2–season 3
4) Call of Silence–season 2
5) Under Covers–season 3
6) Requiem–season 5
7) Hiatus Parts 1 and 2–season 3
8) Life Before His Eyes–season 9
9) Heartland–season 6
10) Detour–season 10
What I find interesting is that these fans rated two eps from season 2 and three eps from season 3 as the best. Actually two of the eps from season 3 were doubles. So, there is actually 12 episodes on the list and seven of the twelve were from the time when Belisario was show runner. Of the seven, five were written by Bellisario. I’m really surprised that TPTB put out a poll that shows that fans actually thought that the show was better before Bellisario was totally removed from the creative process. I realize that Bellisario is probably no longer competent to write the show. Also, I agree that DP Bellisario really liked the character Tony DiNozzo and would have allowed that character to develop more. It seems to me that the farther away we get from Bellisario, the more the writing suffers.
December 14, 2014 @ 4:26 pm
And notice too that the episodes that feature competent Tony and Gibbs who actually still cares about him were very popular. That dynamic has disappeared. Now we really only see Gibbs care about Abby, Ducky, and especially McGee. I have no doubt that in the next Senior installment, as Tony ineffectually attempts to deal with his father’s antics, Gibbs will be shown to solve the problem, since Gibbs must always be featured as the wise one. But usually that formula gives us irritated, rather than caring GIbbs. Tony is simply not important to the writers anymore. Gibbs and McGee seem to be the only recipients of regularly flattering writing and I’m sorry ptb – the McGee/Gibbs dynamic, while fine, just isn’t very exciting no matter how many dangerous or dramatic situations you write for them.
December 14, 2014 @ 3:39 am
Uh, Oh. Maybe Tony isn’t perfect….You sound over dramatic. I really don’t see anything wrong with most of these story lines. I guess it’s just too bad he can’t wear that imaginary cape EVERY second of the show.
December 11, 2014 @ 12:53 pm
Another McGee/Gibbs bonding episode ?!? Oh come on. Most of the time McGee was the fifth wheel in the group so I think it’s time to give him more attention.
December 14, 2014 @ 3:32 am
Oh. Pat, again. At this point all I hear is the annoying sound the needle makes when it scratches along the width of the worn-out record.
December 14, 2014 @ 5:54 pm
Then skip my posts. When I read your posts shell, all I see is an unempathetic person whose favorite character is getting all the flattery, drama, and attention so all’s right with the world. Heaven help anyone who feels differently. Your nasty claws come out way too easily.
December 14, 2014 @ 6:22 pm
We finally get some Tim and all we get is bitterness and rain on our tiny, little parade And Your claws are longer…stop putting down McGee then acting as if you aren’t. You just had a Tony ep and you’re still not happy…How can you watch a show that makes you so miserble while you try to take everyone else down with you
December 15, 2014 @ 1:47 pm
Hi. I am a McGee fan and I am pleased with what they are doing this year. For years, McGee has been relegated as a background character in favor of Ziva and Tony. Now, since Ziva’s gone, they producers have decided to give McGee more stories. I never complained about McGee’s lack of airtime. I think it is about time and other displeased fans stop complaining and let us enjoy this season.
December 10, 2014 @ 8:10 pm
I hope for some past (and current) scenes with Ziva. Ratings would go through the roof. If they really want to make fans happy for the holidays they will also include Kate and Mike Franks. And for good measure as little Bishop as possible this holiday season. Ho, ho, ho.
Sheila Moriarty
December 10, 2014 @ 2:33 pm
I adore McGee, and when they let Sean Murray stretch that character I am never disappointed.