ABC’s ‘Revenge’ season 4 winter finale: Boss defends shocking death

Revenge -How did the death during the winter finale of “Revenge” come about? You clearly do not make that sort of decision to kill off a character unless you are absolutely sure it is the right choice, and in this case, it seems as though both the showrunner and the star of the show were both on the same page when it came to the idea.

Speaking in a post-mortem of last night’s episode to TVLine, executive producer Sunil Nayar discussed how he and Josh Bowman each discussed ending the storyline for Daniel in a way that would allow him to gravitate back towards Emily Thorne, and in a way that may have you missing him when he is gone:

“Josh [Bowman] and I spoke at the beginning of the season about the journey we wanted to take Daniel on … He and I were on the same page, wanting to take a big swing at the end of our winter finale, and wanting to see if we could do it in a redemptive way; that moment between [Emily and Daniel] was so beautiful at the end. It was also a way for us to keep shifting what the show is about so we never get complacent and the audience never knows what’s coming next.”

As for some other things to look forward to in the second part of the season, expect the Malcolm Black character to arrive in person, and therefore shake things up a little. Meanwhile, Victoria is going to wrestle with how she can blame Emily for what happened to her son, and we are going to see the continued development of the bond between Louise and Nolan.

As for Charlotte, let’s just say that the show is not going to be forgetting about her; after all, it’s hard to ignore her with her brother being dead.

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