‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 10 preview: Misti & Jim’s moving moment

Misti & Jim -Could something on “The Amazing Race” actually impact dentists Jim & Misti on a deeply emotional level?  Based on the first promo that was released for Friday night’s episode, it is possible.

It appears that the show is heading to the Philippines this week for the first time in a long time, and this is a particularly fascinating country to us. On one side of things, you have a country that is trying to stay at the top of innovation like many other parts of Asia, but at the same time, there are also other parts of it dealing extreme poverty and heavy population density. You have so much history, culture, and at times even sadness crammed into a small island nation with lush scenery.

We could understand why the dentists would be moved by something that they see here, and interesting enough, it could be a nice way for Jim to shake up his image. We’ve joked from time to time about how crazy-intense that this guy has been throughout the season, but what makes him so interesting is that there are layers beyond this. Misti hasn’t gotten the same level of attention, but she also has shown to be a strong racer in her own right. These two have become a favorite of ours, and that is starting out looking like the sort of team that would be so dominant, it would be hard to root for them.

At the moment, it also seems like them, along with Adam & Bethany, are the likely favorites to be racing towards the finish line.

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