‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 9 review: Did Adam & Bethany’s big risk doom another team?

Amazing Race -Tonight’s new episode of “The Amazing Race 25” was a blast. We’ve really enjoyed most of the teams this season, and even when some of the gloves came off tonight, it was still great competition.

After all nobody has anyone to blame other than themselves for their mistakes. For example, when Kym & Alli saw that there was a surfing component to the Fast Forward, they should have known that Adam & Bethany were going to do it at all costs. We’re sure that there are going to be come who call shenanigans that this was there in the first place, but we’re not going to do that since we understand these legs are planned long in advance. This risk by the Cyclists put them in a huge hole at the start of the leg, and that would be hard for them to come back from.

Then, Amy & Maiya have to take a whole lot of blame for some of the decisions that they made. Their choice to U-Turn Adam & Bethany was wound, but once they realized that Brooke & Robbie did not go through with the plan to hurt the cyclists, they should have let it go. They basically annoyed the Wrestlers to the point that they wanted to screw them by giving them false information, and this almost caused them to finish in last. Maybe the Wrestlers would have done it anyway, but it would be harder for them to justify.

We’re going to give the Cyclists a ton of credit for never giving up this season, and tonight especially. They really fought hard! We also thought that they were one of the best all-female teams the race has ever had, and we wondered if they would win. Unfortunately, they just couldn’t make up the time.

In the end, this is the rare episode that deserves a good grade despite a predictable finish, mostly because the editing really set it up well like the Cyclists had a real shot at coming back. It wasn’t until the Sweet Scientists got that final clue for the Pit Stop that we realized their comeback effort had fallen show. Grade: A-.

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