‘Arrow’ season 3, episode 7 preview: Amy Gumenick on playing Carrie Cutter / Cupid

Cupid -Odds are, tonight’s new episode of “Arrow” is one of the most interesting ones that we’ve seen on the entire series so far, at least if you like crazy, interesting villains with something new to bring to the table.

After all, there is quite a bit when it comes to this character of Carrie Cutter / Cupid that is intriguing almost right away. For one, she is completely in love with Oliver Queen, and the fact that she will do anything and everything to be with him makes her especially dangerous. “Turn: Washington’s Spies” and “Supernatural” alum Amy Gumenick has landed the role, and speaking to TVLine, she describes her character as such:

“Cupid is a supervillain, as described by the DC comic book world. She exudes extreme strength as a martial artist and as a hand-to-hand fighter, and she also has an extreme emotional capacity. She’s definitely a bit mentally unstable and will meet no ends to get what she wants. Fundamentally, she is driven by love and will fight anyone and face anything for her love.”

This love is obviously for Oliver, but that is not the only character on the show she will be familiar with. She has a history in the military and the police force, so Quentin Lance may be familiar with her already.

Also, Gumenick teases in here that there is at least going to be an open-ended conclusion to tonight’s episode in the way that we could see Cupid eventually return to the series. The notion of this excites us very much, mostly because we feel like there is a whole lot more that this character could offer as one of the few complex female villains that we have.

You can look more at tonight’s episode by heading over to the link here; if you want to get some further updates on everything we cover right now, sign up for our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo via The CW.)

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