Watch ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine,’ ‘The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXV’ clips now!
Why in the world are both “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” and “The Simpsons” airing Halloween episodes on Sunday night? there’s a pretty simple answer to that, and it’s all about baseball.
Due to Fox’s coverage of the World Series, there is not going to be another time in which the network can have these episodes air before the holiday, and we do very much prefer that they air now before Halloween rather than afterward, when it just seems weird and doesn’t make a whole lot of sense anymore.
Anyway, we start our sharing-of-the-sneak-peeks below with “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” which looks to have a pretty funny half-hour ahead complete with all sorts of costumes, and a specific sneak peek that may confuse Boyle with Dean Pelton from “Community.” If nothing else, the two seem to be shopping from the same exact closet.
Now, we turn to what is a tradition 25 years in the making: The annual “Simpsons Treehouse of Horror” episode. To be fair, we don’t feel like every single one of these stories is particularly good, and sometimes it just feels obvious that the show is just trying to throw something together that qualifies for the mold. Still, we like that these are still going on, and that the show is looking to come up with new ways to sort-of-scare you.
Based on the promo below for this year’s event, there are at least still a few funny things worth looking forward to. Homer and a toaster typically equals bad news.
Which one of these two Halloween specials are you the most excited to watch tomorrow, if either one of them? Let us know your thoughts right now with a comment.