‘The Leftovers’ episode 10 (finale) spoilers: Can Matt actually help the Guilty Remnant?

Two days from now, “The Leftovers” will wrap up its run on HBO for the year with an episode that has an extremely tall order ahead of it. This show has to figure out how in the world to tie together the dozens of stories that are going on, and actually give you a reason to keep watching at the same time.

What we are still waiting to see most of all, though, is an answer for what happens next for Kevin Garvey. The last we say him in the present, Patti was taking her own life after revealing just how badly that the Guilty Remnant want to die. It is the reason that they smoke, and they have no problem setting up people like Gladys to be a martyr for their whole “life is meaningless” cause.

But can someone really manage to help them find meaning again? This is something that Matt is convinced he can play a part in, but we are not anywhere near as sure. Matt’s always felt like there was something stewing underneath the surface, and we definitely feel that way again right now. He’s up to something, even if some of his motives are pretty good. Just look at how far the guy was really willing to go in order to get his church back.

One little bit of luxury that we are feeling right about the show is that moving forward, we are at least not going to be dealing with nearly as many mysteries as we did this time around. We are never going to find out the reason behind the Departure, but we at least know that the lives of Kevin and many others beforehand were not that great then, either.

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