‘The Leftovers’ episode 8 preview: ‘Cairo’ and a new Justin Theroux challenge

While there are many things that you could say about “The Leftovers,” one of the more obvious ones is that this is a show that really makes a whole lot of sense most of the time.

Next week’s new episode “Cairo” is going to be an interesting one. This is one of the few installments not penned by executive producer Damon Lindelof, and also one that really gives us insight into almost every character. Surprised by that? So are we, given the way that the show chooses to bounce around from one story thread to the next.

Want to get some official details now via HBO? Then take a look at the official synopsis below:

Kevin fears he’s losing touch with reality after inexplicably finding himself in a difficult situation involving Patti Levin (Ann Dowd), a leader of the Guilty Remnant. Meg (Liv Tyler) loses control during another encounter with Matt (Christopher Eccleston); Jill confronts Aimee (Emily Meade) about her relationship with Kevin; Nora stands up to Laurie (Amy Brenneman), and finds her privacy invaded.”

The one thing that we really do feel is that nothing for Justin Theroux’s character can really get any worse than having to put his own father in handcuffs just because he would not accept the language that was being thrown at him. This show only has a small handful of episodes left to air, and it will be interesting to see how in the world this story does eventually get tied up.

What do you want to see on “The Leftovers” next? Let us know in the comments.

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