‘Royal Pains’ season 6, episode 7 spoilers: What lies in the weeks ahead?

Tomorrow night, you’ll get a chance to see an all-new episode of “Royal Pains” on USA, and this alone is a reason to smile. It already feels like a long time without the Hamptons!

But rather than give you just a specific teaser for this episode (entitled “I Did Not See That Coming”), we thought that we’d take a different route and scoop you on everything coming in the next few weeks. Obviously, we’re not going to give away anything major, but aren’t a few little teasers better than being in the dark? We think so.

  • Evan and Ray’s business relationship is going to continue to blossom, but with Evan of course continuing to be anxious throughout about whether or not it was a smart idea working with this man in the first place.
  • You’re going to finally meet someone related to Rafa, which is a nice reminder that there is another lineage to Divya’s child that is completely forgotten about by us at times.
  • Hank will be going on at least one more mission with Boris, though one of a different kind than what we already saw this season.
  • Jeremiah’s surprise relationship with Viviana is going to continue in the weeks ahead, but not without questioning from Divya. Is there jealousy on her part, or genuine concern? This will be interesting to watch?
  • Hank’s own romantic life may finally make a turn in a positive direction.

Sound great? Well to us, it feels like we have a lot to look forward to the rest of the summer in just about every direction.

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