‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Playing out the possibilities
This afternoon has not been a particularly eventful one in the “Big Brother 16” house, and it is mostly thanks to all of the action of the week hinging on a man with a beard.
If Donny uses the Power of Veto to save Jocasta, then she goes off of the block, and then not too long after that we see Devin go up and consequently be evicted from the game. However, if Jocasta stays on the block and Donny doesn’t use the Veto, a few complicated things happen that Head of Household Derrick has already talked a little bit about in the game.
For one, Jocasta is at least marginally at risk, but it feels more like Caleb will be the person that is taken out this week. He knows that the hunting guide is a big threat, and since he has allies in the game, it’s probably better to take him out now than allow him to stick around and build up momentum in the game.
However, there are some problems that come with that. While Devin has told both Nicole and Derrick that he won’t come after them if he ends up staying this week, how much do you want to believe he is telling the truth here? Devin has lied about basically everything … save for having a daughter, of course. It basically screws Derrick over in the game pretty hard.
The only other major activity this afternoon is stemming from the “rumor” about Zach being Amanda’s cousin started out by Team America. Derrick is trying to get Zach to talk about it publicly, but he really hasn’t done too much of anything. The only real major thing to come from this so far is Donny getting targeted as a possible America’s player. There is some good evidence out there already in the house for Zach not being related to her, mostly that he hasn’t exactly said anything nice about her and has been present for some Amanda-bashing sessions.
We’ll be back later tonight for our full review of the “Big Brother 16” episode, and hopefully for our last feed update later there will be some more that transpires. If you do want to get some more TV scoop on all we cover now, sign up for our official newsletter today!
Photo: CBS