‘Hell on Wheels’ season 4 spoilers: What is the premiere title?

The latest -Sometimes, you can try to read a lot into something as small as an episode’s title, and that is precisely what we are going to do today while discussing “Hell on Wheels” season 4 and the just-announced name of its first episode back.

AMC has announced that “The Elusive Eden” is the name for the first episode airing on Saturday, August 2, and we feel like it’s pretty awesome and representative of a certain cultural movement of the time. Remember here Cullen Bohannon’s present situation: He is in a Mormon community that has clearly set itself up as representing a certain ideal, and separated itself from the rest of the world. It most likely wants to think of itself as its own Eden, but you know already what happened in the story of Adam and Eve. The question you will have to wonder here is who is the real corrupting influence of the place: Cullen, the Swede, or the idea of the establishment itself.

We cannot really imagine the title being in reference to anything else, given that the title itself is a reference to life on the railroad. We’re sure the juxtaposition between “Hell on Wheels” as a name and “The Elusive Eden” was not lost on showrunner John Wirth or the writers when they were coming up with all of this.

As for when Cullen could finally get away from this town and back to some of the other well-known characters, we’d be shocked if he was there more than a few episodes. This is a series about an ensemble, and splitting everyone up forever would not be a good thing for anybody.

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Photo: AMC

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