‘Royal Pains’ season 6, episode 3 preview: Prepare for more Henry Winkler

Are you ready to see more of Eddie R. Lawson on “Royal Pains”? Let’s hope so. Next week marks the third episode of the season, and it certainly looks like we will be seeing much more of Henry Winkler than we have so far.

Sadly for Eddie, this is not going to be a happy parade devoid of problems. Instead, this episode is entitled “A Bridge Not Quite Far Enough,” and based on the synopsis below, there is going to be some hard work that will go into making things right:

Hank, Evan and Paige try to help Eddie have a relationship with Emma; Hank treats a private investigator; Divya must find a nanny; Jeremiah makes a friend.”

The problem for Eddie here is that he has to try to make a relationship work with someone who honestly does not seem particularly fond of him … or even wants to do anything other than call him a deadbeat dad. We don’t know what else she really wanted to get out of this situation.

As for the other part of this episode, Jeremiah making a “friend” may be far more important than it looks like on paper. Potentially, this could be a substantial new love interest for him, and could turn the tables when it comes to his bond with Divya. So far, this relationship has been strictly one-sided on his end, with him having feelings that are almost completely unrequited. Let’s hope that there is something coming that will change things, and cause her to assess her own feelings.

What do you think is coming up next week? Share some of your predictions below!

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