Late-night highlights: John Oliver eviscerates FIFA, Lena Dunham, Jennifer Lopez videos
Who knew that late-night TV was going to be bringing so much of their A-game in June? This is typically when some of these shows curl up and take a nap, but HBO and NBC deserve a round of applause for some of the informative, funny, or in some cases silly videos that we have for you below.
Jon Oliver on FIFA – “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” has become in the past few weeks more interesting to us than Oliver’s former gig “The Daily Show,” mostly in how he takes international topics and somehow finds a way to make Americans care about them. This time, he completely destroys the World Cup’s governing body FIFA by focusing on what he labels as “corruption,” and some of their practices that include forcing Brazil to legalize the sale of beer during matches because of their sponsors.
Lena Dunham on “Late Night” – Singer Sia is notoriously camera-shy, so what better way to have your song “Chandelier” performed than with … Lena Dunham? This was certainly strange, but huge props to the “Girls” star for being bold enough to actually go through with something like this and turn a performance into some lip-sync / interpretative dance hybrid.
Jimmy Fallon and Jennifer Lopez’s “tight pants” – One of the talents that Fallon has is the ability to do the same bit a dozen or so times, only to mix it up by getting some ridiculously famous person to embarrass themselves during it. More credit is given here to Jennifer Lopez for a couple of funny moments, and for her holding nothing back.
Ironically, there is quite an epic full-circle moment here, as production issues recently stopped J.Lo from being able to perform her World Cup anthem in Brazil this month. Blame FIFA?
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Photo: HBO