‘The Blacklist’ spoilers: More insight into Tom – Liz Keen revelations

The Blacklist logo any seasonThere is no new episode of “The Blacklist” coming up on NBC Monday night. However, we do at least have a little bit more hints and details now into just what is going to be happening next when it comes to Liz Keen and her relationship with her husband Tom. These are two people who clearly had some sort of love for each other … with the emphasis on “had.”

In the video below, the show’s writers and producers detail some of what the plan was when it comes to having the Liz character slowly change and develop over the course of the series’ run. The explain perfectly how the plan here was for the viewers to get a sense as to who Tom was a few episodes before Liz realizes it herself, and then have Reddington looped into the story so that he can try to help Liz figure out who this guy truly is.

The crew, including showrunner Jon Bokenkamp, also do a good job giving you some insight into what goes into making some of the weekly Blacklister storylines. This does not have as much to do with anything that alters the story long-term, but we do still feel like this is something valuable to hear about since it gives you further insight into the casting process, and what sort of themes that they are hoping to touch on with each character. This one was especially creepy, and we are therefore pretty happy to learn a little bit more about him.

Photo: NBC

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