‘The Amazing Race 24’ episode 6 review: One crazy finish in Sri Lanka
After last week’s unappealing episode of “The Amazing Race 24,” we were back for one on Sunday night that really needed to raise the game. While it wasn’t elephant dung tonight, there was still quite a bit to be desired.
The biggest problem with the episode tonight was that the vast majority of the story really did not matter that much. We can understand having one equalizer, but why make the exciting gas-station Roadblock right before another train ride? Rachel’s struggles reading the clue properly had no bearing on the rest of the episode. This remains time and time again or greatest pet peeve of the show, since we want every task to build over the course of the leg.
The first part of the episode was pretty darn predictable: The cowboys and the Afghanimals were in a heated race to first place, and their battle with the taxis and running to the Pit Stop was one of the few dramatic portions of the entire hour. Leo & Jamal did one of the most hilarious things when they literally got a driver to stop in front of the other team’s cab, and this was literally neck-and-neck. The Afghanimals finally won this leg, though we still have no idea what they kept making those “cowboys and Indians” references.
What was ultimately the potentially the undoing of the country singers tonight is that their entire strategy has been around the social game, and making sure that they align with teams who can help them. When faced with physical tasks or ones that they are not able to collaborate on, they have trouble. We weren’t their biggest fans, but we respect drama and they brought plenty of it to this race with the Express Pass. This actually was a little closer than we thought it would be, since Dave & Connor’s cab driver directed the Globetrotters the wrong way, and they were almost eliminated as a result.
Luckily for Caroline & Jennifer, they were bailed out thanks to another non-elimination leg. We were surprised that there was one so close to the last leg of this variety, but also happy since it means more potential drama in the future. The last 20 minutes here as a whole helped to make up for the boring first 20. Grade: B-.
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Photo: CBS