‘The Amazing Race 24’ episode 6 preview: More trouble for Brendon & Rachel?
In Sri Lanka, it was apparent from the moment that Margie & Luke arrived ten hours later than all of the other teams that they would be the ones going home. While the promo at the end of the episode did not show where the teams were going to be heading next, it did suggest that there would be no more trouble at an airport. (Hooray to that.)
Instead, most of the trouble would take place on the ground. There were traffic jams left and right in the street, and during a roadblock, we saw Rachel in particular struggle with being confused and out of her element. To her credit, though, this is Rachel 2.0. The original incarnation of the former “Big Brother” star would have ran off somewhere and started crying, but she continues to fight on. We continued to feel like she and Brendon are big threats to go far in this race, especially now that they have conquered the Speed Bump.
For the time being, though, Brenchel and Jessica & John have to be the teams that we’re worried about the most based on recent performances, but we’ve still seen a number of clumsy mistakes in the past from the Globetrotters, Jet & Cord, the country singers, and Leo & Jamal. Basically, we feel like anyone other than Dave & Connor could potentially head home at some point in the next episode or two.
What do you want to see on the race next week, and right now, who do you think is poised to win the million-dollar prize? Share your thoughts below, and also be sure to click here if you want to read our review of Sunday
Photo: CBS