‘The Amazing Race 24’ episode 5 review: Little drama in Sri Lanka
But sometimes, there is unfortunately nothing that you can do, and that happened on tonight’s new episode. The editing for the promos made it look like Brendon & Rachel were in hot water after choosing to board a tiny connecting flight, but it was actually Margie & Luke who were saddled with a ten-hour delay thanks to making a bad decision at the airport. We actually understand their decision to go on standby rather than take a connection, which more often than not is a smart move in the race. However, it’s all about luck. Sometimes, teams get lucky and can make a short connection; sometimes, there are no standby seats.
So with all this in mind, most of the leg was almost a non-factor. The scenery in Sri Lanka was at least beautiful, and the detour (spinning plates vs. fishing) was fun and gave you a nice little look at the country’s culture. But that sewing roadblock? Pretty awful. Who wants to watch people sew? Leo tried as hard as possible to entertain the crowd, and that was the only thing that this task really had going for it. Dave & Connor managed to again come up in first, followed closely by a surging Caroline & Jennifer. Is it possible that we have underestimated them? We think so. They are not the strongest physical racers, but are very good at convincing other teams to work with them.
For the rest of the racers, the only major issue was making sure that Margie & Luke did not catch up with them … but as hard of a time as Big Easy and Brendon each had sewing, they had such an enormous advantage that they still did not have anything to worry about in the end. We lost Margie & Luke in the end, and the first three-time racers are out of the competition. Everyone left is pretty solid, though we do still feel like Dave & Connor and Jet & Cord are the best by a mile.
Unfortunately, there is little way that “The Amazing Race” can make this sort of leg exciting. It just wasn’t, when no editing could make the outcome close. The roadblock was done before the other teams arrived at the detour, and we never even saw the mother / daughter team do the challenges. Hopefully, next week brings more in the competition department. Grade: C.
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Photo: CbS