‘The Amazing Race 24’ episode 4 preview: Are Margie & Luke only team melting down?
“The Amazing Race” is staying in Malaysia for the next new episode Sunday night, but even without the rigors of challenge, the race itself is going to cause some teams to lose their cool.
This is where Margie & Luke come into play. These two are very good racers, and despite some of the mistakes that they do make, they are skilled enough when it comes to traveling that they are able to somehow overcome quite a bit. However, the reason why we are never able to truly consider them to be favorites for anything is because they somehow routinely find a way to suffer least one emotional meltdown a season.
For some reason, Luke’s meltdowns always come when drinks are involved. Remember what happened with him and the tea during the “Unfinished Business” season? The problem that is suffering on the new episode of the show Sunday night revolves around some sort of glass stacking that causes even the usually-patient Margie to start to lose her cool with her soon. The fight that they have is far worse than the preview below even tries to make it seem.
As for whether or not they are the only team that messes up with this task, we can at least confirm that there will be other teams that struggle. The biggest thing going for them right now is that about 80% of the time, the team that is typically in danger is the team that is not highlighted as much during the previews. This was the case with Joey & Meghan on the show last weekend, and Mark & Mallory from earlier this season was more of the exception rather than the rule. We figure that Margie & Luke will probably still find a way to survive.
We will have our full review of the episode up after it airs, so all questions will be answered one way or another. For now, share your predictions below, and race over here if you want to sign up for our CarterMatt Newsletter and get more updates sent right to you.
Photo: CBS