‘Supernatural’ season 9, episode 13 review: Sam and Dean trim the fat
Sometimes, we know at this time of year “Supernatural” fans can start to get a little bit frustrated with the lack of progression on some important stories. However, at the same time we really don’t mind so long as we’re getting a chance to see a pretty interesting story with a little humor and creativity.
This is why “The Purge” was one of our favorite episodes of the season. It threw Sam and Dean into a different setting than we’re accustomed to seeing, and even though there were few other characters related to the present story involved, we didn’t mind the diversion. Seeing Dean sneak pudding, and then become extremely drugged-out by it, was enough to be entertained.
The other nice little twist to the story was despite early inferences that suggested that Maritza, the co-owner of this health spa, was the person responsible for mysterious sucking the fat out of constant patients at a weight-loss “spa” and then killing some. Instead, it was her brother. The only thing that she was guilty of was being placed in a terrible situation, and turning a blind eye.
It wasn’t so much about the ending this week as it was the journey getting there. This entire episode was just stuffed full of some good little moments, and also some touching Winchester brother stuff that started to bring the two guys closer together again. This was enough for us to push forward the main story a little bit, since it got to the root of why Sam was so upset in the first place. While Dean kept him alive, he did so pretty much at the expense of almost everyone else. Not only that, but Sam told his brother that the real reason he was kept alive was because he didn’t want to be left alone.
All in all, great stuff that was powerful and creative. We know that the Winchesters are in conflict, but we imagine that they will be getting together and working things out soon enough. Grade: B+.
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Photo: The CW