‘Beauty and the Beast’ season 2, episode 9 review: Cat, Vincent, and many changes

When “Beauty and the Beast” ended its fall season with Cat shooting the very man that she loved, we knew that things were going to get crazy. But with that being said, there was really no way that we could prepare ourselves for what was going to be coming up next.

Let’s not bury the lead here, and start things off with the biggest stunner of the night: Vincent realizing that running was no longer a strategy that was going to work for him. With Tori’s help, he decided to confess to the world who he was via a press conference, and that is what we like to call a “game-changer.” People know his face and will search for him now from here on out. The time for hiding is now over, and as a viewer for the show, we have to celebrate that.

So did this also make the relationship between Tori and Vincent more endearing? Slightly. We know that this isn’t anyone’s favorite couple related to the show, but we give her credit for trying to take care of him, just as we have to credit JT’s willingness to even get arrested. His admission as to why Vincent was selected by Muirfield was also a huge game-changer in a way, since it informs his character to some other people that he has supposedly been close to.

All of this was well-done, as was the subtle building of a relationship between Gabe and Cat at the very end. We didn’t necessarily see this as the two getting ready to hook up, but Cat showing that she wants to try to move forward in her life. Sometimes, you do have to dive in … even if that involves a cup of coffee. While there are still things that drive us nuts (why does everyone lie to each other on these shows all the time?), this was one of the best episodes of season 2 so far and a solid stepping stone for things to come. Grade: B+.

What did you think about Monday night’s episode? Share your thoughts below.

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