‘Doctor Who’ spoilers: Christmas cheer from Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman

Christmas -The “Doctor Who” Christmas Special is only 17 days away! That may seem like a while, but after going through that wait from the end of season 7 until the 50th Anniversary Special earlier this year, it’s really nothing. You may know already that “The Time of the Doctor” is a critical episode of the series for so many reasons, whether it be the Regeneration of the current Doctor into the 12th (played by Peter Capaldi) or the question as to whether or not Gallifrey can be restored, and The Doctor’s future be changed.

But with these latest images released from the BBC, we are not really answering any of the tough questions. Instead, this is more just about getting into the holiday spirit. First, you have The Doctor and Clara looking rather intense in what would otherwise be a winter wonderland. There’s even the tree in the background! You could make it into a drinking game how many times you see a Christmas tree during the special.

Doctor Who -On a very different note, who’s hungry? We find this promotional poster of Coleman to be the sort of quirky fun that “Doctor Who” only could get away with, in between the paper crown and the turkey that somehow still looks delicious despite being out in the cold. Get that bird inside! The clock is the most important symbolism that you can really take from this, given that this special is really all about time. Not only is it in the title, but The Doctor knows that he only has so much left to ensure that his mission is achieved and the future restored.

What are you hoping to see during the “Doctor Who” Christmas Special this year, and do you love the fun that the show puts into its promotional material? Share below! Also, click here if you want to vote for Jenna in our Breakout Star category of our Best of 2013 Awards.

Photo: BBC

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