MTV’s ‘Awkward’ season 3, episode 18 review: Are Jake / Tamara, Jenna / Matty back together?
“Awkward” season 3 has been all about Jenna’s redemption story, and going into the start of Tuesday night’s new installment, it was really starting to feel like the old Jenna was back again. She had her friends back (though on probation), she was fitting it at school (thanks in part to her mom wearing suggestive outfits as the school nurse
and taking a lot of the attention off of her), and she even got an opportunity to attend Matty’s St. Patrick’s Day party. Not only that, but she went without an invite.
From here, we ended up seeing what happens when Jenna thinks that all things are going to continue to go her way: Disappointment. While Matty still has some feelings for her, that is clearly not enough for them to get back together at this point. He went through hell watching his parents struggle, and didn’t have anyone to talk to thanks to her massive freakout.
Jenna had to watch Matty hook up with his ex Hunter, only to later realize that this wasn’t quite the case. There were still feelings there! This was nice to see, but what was also important for this show was seeing Jenna realize that her turnaround was not without bumps in the road. She can’t just wipe away her past like she did the trash at Matty’s party. Valerie left her a voicemail at the end of the episode, and told her that she had been fired from her job … a direct result of some of the things that Jenna said in her pent-up rage-essay that she wrote at her peak of her awfulness.
As for some other good news from the Jake and Tamara front, they are back together, but you probably saw that coming a mile away. The Sadie story was funnier than either one of these, mostly because she realized that her love life was finally getting back on track. Grade: B.
If you want to read some more news about “Awkward,” just be sure to visit the link here. We’ll have a preview for the next installment online soon!
Photo: MTV