‘The Amazing Race 23’ preview: Afghanimals vs. snakes
Typically, tasks on “The Amazing Race” can be divided up into a few different categories. You have the ones that terrify you, the ones that gross you out, the puzzles, and the ones that require manual labor. It’s not often that you get a challenge that both terrifies you and grosses you out at the same time.
However, that is what the remaining four teams are all being forced to look at now courtesy of what we are guessing is either some sort of Route Info. or a Detour on the next leg of the race: Eating a snake, while other snakes look at you and even try to attack you from behind a window. If you can tune out what the king cobras right in front of you are doing, this may not be that hard. Of course, with that being said, we don’t quite imagine that tuning out a cobra is going to be high on anyone’s list of skills. These creatures are known as one of the deadliest animals out there for a reason.
Unfortunately for “Afghanimals” Leo & Jamal (who are the subject of the preview below), there have been many times where they have been called snakes in the past thanks to some of their actions on the race (mostly unfairly so). While they try a little too hard to be entertaining, they’re at least trying to do something. That is substantially better than the majority of generic couple teams that make it onto the show. Take, for example, Jason & Amy, who seem to be totally getting that winners’ edit right now with the whole “we always get second place” story.
The biggest thing to remember about Sunday, regardless of who you are rooting for, is that no one is probably going home. Since the following week is a two-hour finale, they will probably be eliminating someone in the first hour of that show; otherwise, they’d run the risk of having a finale where there was an equalizer halfway through and the first hour of the episode didn’t matter.
We’ll end here with a quick ranking: We’d put Jason & Amy #1 just for consistency alone (they only need to get first once), and then we’d put Nicole & Travis, Tim & Marie, and then the Afghanimals. While these guys have won two legs, they have also made a ton of silly mistakes and seem the most privy to do so again.
Click here if you want to read more “Amazing Race” scoop, and we will have our full review of the episode up on Sunday.
Photo: CBS