‘The Amazing Race 23’ preview: Ally & Ashley freeze each other out (video)
We love the fact that in the press release for Sunday’s “The Amazing Race 23” episode, it mentions that the relationship for one team turns “icy” while at a detour. Seriously. Icy. Who do you think that this could be about? Is it about a pair of ice crew members perhaps?
Despite being a member of the Los Angeles Kings’ family, Ally & Ashley don’t seem to be expressing that much when it comes to kingly / queenly behavior in the sneak peek below. Instead, they are fighting relentlessly in a he said / she said back-and-forth that really stems from the oh-so common problem of wanting to switch out a detour after you have already started it. Often, it is much easier to just find someone else to blame than it is to continue to just try to work together. Therefore, the two exhibit some of that previously-exhibited icy behavior, and nobody seems ready to come smooth it over with a Zamboni. (This may be the first time that we ever typed the word “Zamboni” in over 10,000 articles written during our lifetime.)
While this sneak peek makes it very clear that these ladies are not in first place, there’s no guarantee that they are in last. The teams are heading off to Indonesia, and as far as we know someone could have caught a bad flight from Abu Dhabi. Or, someone may have gotten lost in traffic or violated a race rule. Remember here that the Afghanimals are still in the race, and they have shown a capacity for making mistakes even when you think that there is no mistake left for them to make.
Still, we do not see a finale taking place without Nicole & Travis or Jason & Amy, which is only sad in that they are probably the two dullest teams left in the season. Personally, we’d love to see them there with Tim & Marie, and there’s a twisted part of us that is rooting for them just because we want to see if Tim finally gets any credit if they win the race. Plus, trainwreck entertainment from these two or the Afghanimals is at least something that has not been a part of 23 other seasons.
You can read more news related to “The Amazing Race” here, and we will have a full review online come Sunday night.
Photo: CBS
November 25, 2013 @ 2:49 pm
I knew their attitude was going to cost them…..