‘Royal Pains’ season 5 finale spoilers: First look at ‘Bones to Pick’
While we may not have a promo just yet for next week’s season finale for “Royal Pains,” we do at least know that there are going to be some pretty significant (and dramatic) changes coming into the lives of our beloved Hamptons residents before the summer comes to a close.
The first thing that we have to mention here is the Jeremiah question: Is he gone for good? We hope not, but he is not mentioned in the synopsis below (via SpoilerTV) for the episode (entitled “Bones to Pick”). Strangely, it also feels like Hank is going to be dealing with a patient-of-the-week story in a pretty unusual time, Paige’s new boss is in trouble, and she and Evan have to try and fix the problem that their marriage was never actually legal when it happened:
“Hank treats a young paleontologist; Russel suffers an impossible injury; Evan and Paige need to take a drastic step; Divya receives news about her pregnancy.”
We saved this photo for now in the article to share just in case it ended up being a little too significant of a spoiler, but it clearly looks like Divya is having trouble. While it’s probably not smart to say that she is going to miscarry, there is definitely going to be some sort of drastic event that happens that could make her really wish that Jeremiah was there at her side (or so we hope). We just hope that whatever this is, it is not some sort of awful cliffhanger than keeps us waiting all summer to find out more. (The same goes with Sacani’s fate. Give us something, USA!)
Be sure to share your thoughts / predictions for the finale below, and you can also click here to see how we got to this point with our review from tonight’s new episode.
Photo: USA
Panama Mama
September 5, 2013 @ 4:16 pm
Jeremiah is a KEEPER!! I would hate to lose him from the show because of the variety in personality that he has to Hank and Evan. Hopefully Divya will see his good qualities and overlook his quirks!! Team Jeremiah!!