‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 5 notes: Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhlader, and Zach Roerig

Take a look -Is there quite a bit to look forward to with “The Vampire Diaries” season 5? We like to think so.

The biggest news to us, though is the idea of Matt finally getting himself a substantial storyline for a change. He has been a tragically-underutilized character, as we are looking at a guy who is the only real human left on the show (save for Katherine, who is only now a human after centuries as a vampire). There are stories for him to tell, especially when it comes to how he sees the world and reacts to the fact that two of the women he previously used to date are both vampires now.

In explaining the increased presence of Zach Roerig this year, executive producer Caroline Dries had the following to say to TVLine:

“[Matt is] not a peripheral character this season. He really has an interesting, intriguing storyline this year. We are introduced to it briefly in the season premiere.” 

Damon and Elena -The premiere is going to feature Matt and Rebekah (Claire Holt) for sure ending their own romantic journey for now, as she is going to cross over to “The Originals.” But just an interesting idea: What would you think of a Matt / Katherine pairing? Could that be fun?

Speaking of Nina Dobrev, the aforementioned website also had this newest photo to share of the happy couple, who is now in the process of adapting to a new life now with Elena at college. She is continuing to live her life normally for now, but we wonder at what point she realizes this will not work anymore, as those around her start to realize that she is not aging at all.

Click here for the latest promo for “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals,” and get ready for both shows to return to The CW with new episodes starting on Thursday, October 3.

Photo: The CW

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