‘Breaking Bad’ season 5, episode 12 reaction: Vince Gilligan, Aaron Paul talk key moments

Ask anything -While Sunday night’s “Breaking Bad” episode did not have a stunning moment like Jesse Pinkman pouring gasoline all over Walter White’s floor, it was nonetheless an hour with its fair share of shocking moments. Did you ever see it coming that Walt would be one of the only people out there who did not have murder on his mind right away? Jesse sure was surprised by it, and this failure to understand Walt’s intentions basically spared Walt of a prison cell, and cost Jesse an opportunity for revenge and to a certain extent his life.

In the video below, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and Vince Gilligan each try to trace some of what unfolded in this hour to bring Jesse to the point where he was sort-of working for Hank. It’s been a hard journey for him; in the pilot, he was some rough-and-tough, angry teenager with a knack for causing trouble. Walt really took him under his wing in many ways, and is responsible for teaching him much of what he knows … even the part that he wishes he did not know any of it.

Just in watching these moments again, coupled with hearing those on the show talk about it, you know that there is some momentum here building for a big event. The question primarily is just what sort of event this will be, and if there is any way we can predict it.

Do you love “Breaking Bad,” and are you looking forward to the rest of this season? Then we have some resources coming your way! Just click here if you want to see a preview for next week’s episode, and we’ll have some more news coming your way all summer long.

Photo: AMC

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