‘Royal Pains’ season 5, episode 9 preview: Hank’s addiction rears its ugly head

While “Royal Pains” is by and large a breezy summer show, there has been something simmering underneath the surface for the past few weeks that is a genuine cause for concern for anyone and everyone affiliated with HankMed: What is going on when it comes to Hank’s pill problems.

At the beginning of this season, it was strongly hinted that there could be a problem coming up when Hank asked Jeremiah to write him a prescription, and he has since tried to cover it up using a variety of different measures. Eventually, it was pretty clear that this was going to come back to bite him, and that time may be now. Jeremiah questions him in the promo below about the pills, and Hank tries to blow him off with an answer that almost any addict would say: That there’s not a problem.

This is all coming on the heels of Evan’s run for village council starting to rise up to the next level, and there’s going to be quite a bit of stress to go along with that. Just imagine how Evan will feel if he learns that his brother has been keeping what is a pretty devastating secret from him, and he may need some help in order to wean off of some of the medication.

One final thought that is slightly unrelated to everything so far: Does anyone else find it incredibly irritating that USA is turning the Evan and Paige characters into walking spokespeople for Toyota? Very annoying and out of character.

What do you think about this video, and is there anything in particular that you’re hoping comes out of this?

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