‘Breaking Bad’ season 5: Newest tease features Bryan Cranston, awesomeness

What does it mean? -At this point, we are pretty okay with jumping to one particular conclusion: AMC does not seem to be altogether interested in letting us know anything about the fifth season of “Breaking Bad.” They have yet to give us any sort of sneak peek that actually opens the lid on some of the story, or what is going to happen with Walter White after Hank makes his shocking revelation while sitting on the commode (which is hardly the place where you traditionally see such shockers take place within the world of TV).

However, we do have to give the network some credit here for at least managing to still pull together one of the coolest teasers that they have done to date in “Say My Name.” This one is deliciously creepy and frightening, mostly because it effectively combines many of the best moments of the show’s history and squeezes them all into around 30 seconds. It’s not much of a shock that almost all of them are Walt-centered, which is another testament to how dominant Bryan Cranston really is in this role, one that has in so many ways defined him as an actor.

What we can tell you right now about the premiere is that it is going to waste very little time in getting into the meat of the story, and don’t necessarily assume that Hank is going to come out guns a-blazing after making his revelation. He’s a smart, cautious guy, and he is going to make sure that he has all of his ducks in a row before trying anything at all.

What do you think about this trailer, and how do you think that it compares to some of the others we have had an opportunity to see? If you want to see some more news when it comes to “Breaking Bad,” just be sure to head on over here.

Photo: AMC

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