‘True Blood’ season 6, episode 7 review: Alexander Skarsgard’s Eric finally tears up

Alexander SkarsgardLast week on “True Blood,” we had what was unequivocally the saddest story of the entire season courtesy of the death of Terry Bellefleur. Out of every sad story that we have seen unfold on this show over the years, seeing the nice but troubled man go thanks to a creation of his own doing was gut-wrenching.

The pieces started to fall into place here early, as the realization was made by Sookie and Lafayette that Terry had planned this long in advance, leaving behind Arlene a valuable life-insurance policy that would set her and her children up for a rather long time.

Vampire chaos – Now, we turn back to the vampire prison. Eric managed to escape, and in the process met up with his longtime friend / rival Bill. They pulled a last-ditch effort there to save Nora by having her drink his blood. Sadly, nothing seems to be working that well. Bill is currently now trying to figure out how to stop the vision, which proceeded with an incredibly awkward exchange where he showed everyone that he can walk in the daylight.

Jessica, meanwhile, did one of the cruelest things ever to Jason: Having sex with James, the vampire from the copulation chamber, after getting Jason to bring him to her. Does Jason have a history of terrible behavior? Sure, but we still feel bad for him to see it happen. Just to make matters even worse for him, you had the move by Sarah Newlin to then throw him in general population, and with a bloody hand to boot.

But the event at the end of episode is one that we all saw coming: The death or Nora. What was somewhat more of a surprise was seeing it come alongside a very teary scene regarding the first promise that she made to her vampire brother years ago, which led to more emotion from Alexander Skarsgard than we’ve seen from years. Within these ten minutes, we learned to care for Nora more than we did in the past year.

Elsewhere – In the Sam / Alcide front, we’ll give you a brief update: The former parted ways with Nicole to make it back to Bon Temps, whereas the latter still seems interested in being Packmaster. Then, his pack found out that he was lying about the story of killing Emma and Martha, and we know that this will not be a good situation for Alcide.

What was your thought on tonight’s “True Blood” episode, and is there anything that you are hoping to see next? As always, we want to hear some more of your thoughts below! If you do want to read some more scoop on what lies ahead, and even watch a preview for next week, be sure to click here.

Photo: HBO

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