‘The Newsroom’ season 2, episode 3 preview: What is Will McAvoy up to?

The NewsroomWe have seen Will McAvoy do some pretty surprising things on “The Newsroom” over the years, but personally leaking a story to the press? This is something new, especially when you are looking at the specific woman that he is doing said leaking to: Nina Howard. Remember her? You should, given that she is the woman who nearly destroyed everything when it came to ACN last year with some of her tabloid stories, and her own techniques led to a huge investigation about something that has landed some of Rupert Murdoch’s employees in some real-life jeopardy.

But why in the world would Will actually blab to Nina about something as embarrassing as sitting out the September 11 anniversary coverage? There are a few theories that we can think about right away.

1. He’s out to galvanize his support base, and have them attack the network bosses for the decision to make him be on the sidelines after 9/11 was such an enormous moment in his news career.

2. Temporary insanity, or maybe he did a little bit more of a certain drug that caused him to leave a questionable voicemail last year.

3. This is all part of some larger concoction to catch Nina, expose her techniques, and get her removed from her post once and for all. We’re sure that Will wants this in his heart of hearts, but she may also be like a form of corrosive acid: When used properly, she can be very effective for getting the job done.

We’ll find out the answers to this and more, but hopefully less of the Jim / Maggie sappiness, on the show this Sunday night. We’ve also got a deeper look here at one of this season’s new additions in Jerry Dantana, otherwise known as one of the guys that really got the ball rolling on Genoa.

Photo: HBO

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