‘Breaking Bad’ series finale: Vince Gillian keeping positive on the ending
We figure that when it comes to the ending of your own show, one that you’ve poured years into along with all of your hopes and dreams, you really can’t just go out to the press and say that it’s horrible. Therefore, while it may be a risky proposition for “Breaking Bad” creator Vince Gilligan to hype his product extensively, mostly because it could create some sort of expectation that could never be reached, what else do you expect him to do? If he goes out there and says it’s “okay” or “should satisfy a good many,” we’re all going to press the panic button and likely hate it no matter what. The only thing to do is to stay positive.
Therefore, we really think that Gilligan’s comments at TCA today about his show make a ton of sense, especially since he probably does feel like he’s come up with something phenomenal and we’re inclined to believe him.
“[We gave it the] best hope we had to come up with something that, hopefully, most people will like was to satisfy ourselves, the seven of us in the writers’ room, [as well as] the cast and the crew.
“I am very proud of the ending. I can’t wait for everyone to see it. I am very cautious in my estimation, in general, of how people will respond to things; I hope I am not wildly wrong to estimate that most folks are going to dig the ending.”
Once again, Gilligan reiterated a number of recent comments about the possible spin-off starring Bob Odenkirk’s Saul Goodman, saying that he very much wants to see it happen. At the same time, he is also mum as to whether or not it actually will.
Do you want to read more news pertaining to “Breaking Bad”? If so, just be sure to click here to see some hilarity via Aaron Paul, who is typically not a guy to come across as embarrassed.
Photo: AMC