‘True Blood’ season 6, episode 4 review: Warlow revealed; Sarah Newlin vs. Eric

Alexander SkarsgardLast week on “True Blood” season 6, we had a little bit of an introduction into Niall, Ben’s return to being around Sookie, and Eric trying to make a serious asset out of Governor Burrell’s daughter Willa.

However, we had no idea that Eric was willing to go as far as he was in order to stop all of humankind. He turned Willa into a vampire seemingly by her own request, and then released her back to her father in an effort to ensure that she would be able to sway the Governor into calling off the dogs.

Unfortunately, what he was not able to contend with was the presence of Sarah Newlin, a woman who is rising to power on the back of her own “political” ambitions. She has Willa shipped off to camp, and thus, it appears that Eric has yet again lost another battle.

As for some other stories, the biggest one is that Sookie Stackhouse has finally met the vampire who is destined to try and destroy her family in Warlow … and it’s in the form of Ben. Who saw this coming? Pretty much everyone, and Niall’s a fool for not thinking about it happening. It also makes it appear as though we’ve seen the last of the fairy king for the time being; Sookie tried to take care of “Ben” herself, but the problem was that she seemed to be letting her feelings get in the way (but more on that soon).

As for everything else this week, we saw Sam Merlotte moving on from Luna with Nicole, and this crazy werewolf storyline continues that really does not amount to much in our mind, especially when it compares to some other great stuff. Meanwhile, Bill Compton decided to experiment on Sheriff Andy’s daughters, which led to them being trapped in his house and having their blood sucked by Jessica. Are they alive? That is just one cliffhanger of the night, as the other is Sookie proving that her feelings are not going to get in the way so she can get herself in a position to destroy Warlow forever … if she can.

Ultimately, this episode was great in that Warlow is not even remotely what we imagined going into this season; therefore, we are excited for what is coming up next.

Overall, what is your take on this “True Blood” episode? If you want to read some more news related to the show, including videos and more, the best resource for you is the link here.

Photo: HBO

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