‘True Blood’ season 6, episode 3 preview: Stephen Moyer gets angry

Sookie StackhouseIs Bill Compton really the most dangerous man in the world? If you can call him a man, then sure. Remember the days when he and Sookie Stackhouse actually seemed to be in love, and enjoyed their time together? Well, the latest sneak peek from Sunday night’s new episode of “True Blood” is basically one step away from being a scene from a torture film.

First of all, we’re assuming that this conversation between Bill and Sookie is following the clip that we’ve seen in other previews of Stephen Moyer’s character entering her home without permission. She doesn’t look to pleased to see him there, especially after he tries to make a demand of her that easily makes her more than a little uncomfortable. She questions his faith and tries to get him to take off, but it doesn’t quite work for her. As a matter of fact, what Bill does as a result of her pleas likely terrifies her more than anything she’s seen since the end of last season. This is not kind, gentle Bill; it’s angry Bill, and he has a purpose that he is hoping to see through to completion.

As for if Sookie can find solace in anything, just remember this: Ben the faerie will return at some point, and maybe he can help her to get her mind off of vampires for a little while. She’s not going to be having much help from some of her other suitors, given that she already told Eric to stay away and leave her alone.

Speaking of Alexander Skarsgard’s character, have you seen what he is going to try to do for the greater good of all members of the vampire race? It’s pretty bizarre (even for him), and the sneak peek video at the link here makes it all clear.

Photo: HBO, video via SpoilerTV

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