‘True Blood’ season 6, episode 2 review: Stephen Moyer’s Bill has quite a power

True BloodLast week on “True Blood” season 6, the epic battle of humans vs. vampires kicked off, and we also found out what we thought was the “truth”: That the mysterious man in Jason Stackhouse’s car was actually Warlow, the vampire responsible for killing Sookie’s parents.

But was this actually true? In the end, it turned out that this was just a test, and that this “Warlow” was actually Niall, a fairy godfather for Sookie and Jason Stackhouse who arrived on the scene in order to drop some major revelations. For one, they are actually a part of a bloodline that includes what can be best defined as vampire royalty. Also, they also have some sort of vampire super-power that allows her the ability to basically kill any vampire she wants. Somehow, this easily overpowers that new love interest in Ben.

As for some of those other storylines…

Eric – Not a great day for Mr. Northman, given that he was “arrested” by Governor Burrell and his people after learning that glamouring his people does not exactly work.

Bill – This story keeps getting stranger and stranger, given that he now seems to be at the mercy of other vampires’ pain. Jessica’s prayer, and attempt to understand vampire religion, was really a rather moving sight to see (especially with the Hoyt shout-out). This still pales to the biggest news of the entire night, as it was revealed that Bill actually has the ability to see into the future. It’s quite a crazy power, and a signal that there are some pretty interesting things moving ahead.

Sam – Well, Alcide has turned into a jerk rather quickly, no? He has now worked to take Emma away from him, believing that his grandmother and the pack are better parents for her.

Terry – It’s just a little thing to take note of, but Patrick’s wife showed up, and Arlene lied to her about him being dead.

What’s your take on this episode? We want to hear some more of your thoughts with a comment below! Also, be sure to head on over to the link here if you want to read even more news on the show via Joe Manganiello.

Photo: HBO

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