Survivor 48 episode 5: An immunity idol preview

Tomorrow night on CBS you are going to have a chance to dive into Survivor 48 episode 5 — so what more can we say now?
Well, for the sake of this preview, let’s just try to view things through the lens of the hidden immunity idol, mostly because of the strange place the players now find themselves. Kyle played his in episode 4 in order to save himself. Yet, this was an idol that he found at Civa, and not one discovered at the new Vula tribe. However, at the same time we know that Mary, Cedrek, and Sai did not find the idol there before the swap, and Sai played it there previously.
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So where do things stand on the idol front entering episode 5? Well, it seems like three idols are still out there! We tend to think that one may have been hidden at Civa after the tribe swap, and even before Kyle played his idol; if not, one certainly will be now. Meanwhile, one should be lurking out at Vula and there could be a mad dash to find it.
Where things perhaps get the most interesting to us at the purple Lagi tribe, given that Star found the cipher, but has not been able to figure it out. Luckily for her, she is still on that tribe after the swap, so she may still have a chance to uncover it. The longer that her tribe does not have to vote anyone out, the luckier that she may be — especially if she is on the bottom. (We know that Eva has already been actively throwing her under the bus.)
What do you think we are going to see across Survivor 48 episode 5 in its totality?
Do you think that any new immunity idols are going to be found? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do jut that, remember to also come back — there are other updates ahead.