When Calls the Heart season 13: Will Charlotte return?

When Calls the Heart season 12
Photo: Hallmark Channel

As we get ourselves closer to When Calls the Heart season 13 on Hallmark Channel, there are certainly a number of questions. For the sake of this piece, though, let’s just keep things rather simple: Are we going to see Charlotte back on the show?

Well, you can certainly argue that the season 12 finale made the case for her to come back, especially as Elizabeth looks for a proper way to care for Little Jack for the time being. When it comes to generating headlines, there is absolutely a reason to try and get Brooke Shields back — whether or not that happens is an entirely different story.

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After all, you can argue that multiple finales ago, there was a case to be made for Abigail to come back to When Calls the Heart. However, that has yet to happen, with Lori Loughlin’s character instead making a brief appearance on When Hope Calls. We never want to guarantee anything when you think about how far away we are from the start of production. For now, it appears as though we are going to be seeing the cast and crew come back in the summer — or, at least that is what we are thinking until we hear otherwise.

One other thing that makes this situation so unpredictable here is how much time has passed — remember that the last time we saw Charlotte within the world of this series was back near the end of season 3. It would be a great deal of nostalgia for longtime fans of she did come back, even if this is just a one-episode appearance appearance that only lasts for a handful of minutes.

Related Be sure to get some more news on When Calls the Heart, including when season 13 could premiere

Do you think we are going to see Charlotte back on When Calls the Heart season 13?

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