Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8: Is an escape possible?

Yellowjackets season 2 art
Photo: Showtime

As we look towards Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8 on Showtime next week, it feels like the story could go in many different directions.

After all, where do we possibly start? Well, remember for a moment here that the surviving members of the team may still have an opportunity to get away. Even though one of the frog-watchers in Edwin may be gone at present, the others are still alive. There is a lot that has to be figured out when it comes to Hannah, who is still with the group, or Joel McHale’s character of Kodiak a.k.a. Kodi. It seems like their communication with the outside world is broken, but is there any way to get it back?

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In general, the idea that outsiders have reached the team should open the doors to a possible escape over the coming weeks, but will everyone welcome that? You do have to wonder that, mostly due to the fact that some may have grown used to the twisted way of life that they have — or, they may believe that the Wilderness actually still wants them there for whatever reason.

We do think the remaining episodes in the past will focus on these debates. Meanwhile, in the present, everything could be very-much changing given what Shauna is about to do. The end of the installment made it seem as though she was about to take out Hannah’s daughter … but is that actually the case? Well, go ahead and consider that a different question altogether.

Could anyone else die?

Well, given that episode 7 seemingly confirmed that multiple Yellowjackets from the past don’t make it back alive, we are waiting to see just how and/or when that will happen … and that is without even getting into the big Pit Girl mystery we’ve been wondering about.

What do you most want to see moving into Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8 on Showtime?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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